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How to do date night in three simple steps.

With or without kids Date Night is SO important for a marriage. Prioritizing time alone is the best thing you can do.

Here is how we keep date nights simple yet exciting wiht a 6 month old and 6 years of marriage.

1. Pencil it in. We pick two dates a month (I wish we could do one a week #goals) Use red ink like teachers do and DON’T let yourself change that date. Once that date is in our schedule we treat it like gold. Noting moves it. It’s intentional. We can all say we don’t have time for anything we want. If you want to make time for each other DO IT.

2. Trade Child Care! Date nights can get expensive. With an average movie ticket $15 per person then dinner and drinks PLUS the sitter…I mean come on?! Smartest thing we have done so far is trade child care. It all works out in the end and you are helping another family get their time together too! WIN WIN in my books!

3. Get creative. Since we have two a month we alternate who plans the date. The first picture is our last date night that Chris planned. We went and got Sushi and then played Putt-Putt. I planned ours just a few days ago and we went to a cooking class. We keep it a secret so that the other has no idea what is in store for them and it’s really something refreshing! After 14 years of being together, there isn’t much, we don’t know…but a surprise date keeps excitement!

Try something new! This was so much fun to do together!

We LOVE sushi. The end. What do you do to keep date night fun!? I’d Love to know!!

xx Sarah

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