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Anyone else feel me on this one?! I may only get to work out at the gym 1-2 times a week because of childcare but those days are days I crave.

I dont kow if any of you are like me where I literally need to move. I feel it in my back and a few days later my headspace is just all in the dumps if I don't exercise. So, here is what I have been doing in between naptime to keep my body moving until the gym opens again.

1. Online classes!! Peloton has been giving their services out for free temporarily and I am so grateful. They are not only for spin in case you thought there were. Their online community has classes for Yoga, HITT, Dance, Cardio, Strength, Meditation...its great! Classes range in time too 10mins all the way to an hour! I don't have a lot of time so I have found their 20min HITT or Dance Cardio classes to be a good jump and then I follow it with 10mins stretch.

Now, for the wine bottles. Use what you have around the house to boost your workout. Wine bottles are great weights! No joke. They are like 13lbs each! I have been using my husband's belt as a yoga strap to stretch, and if Addison is up a toddler is a good weight too HA!

2. Getting outside is good for my soul but I also go for at least one walk a day if the weather is good. Dragging a wagon or pushing a stroller adds to that workout as well. Plus, we live in a great neighborhood that has some hills....they get me every single time too. Don't call me while walking up ill sound like a 50-year smoker the way I'm breathing.

What are you doing to keep moving?

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